don’t even want to think about can’t really remember what it was like before the existence of our wonderful online school counseling community. It’s hard to believe that I used to have to “go it alone” and am not quite sure how I actually survived it. It was a lot lonelier, that’s for sure! It’s so great to know that there are people out there who understand what I’m experiencing, who know what it’s like in the school counseling trenches, and who encourage and inspire me to keep going when things are hard. I learn so much from all of you – from your helpful suggestions, comments, and the questions that really make me think.
You don’t have to be a blogger or a frequent tweeter to make a difference to other school counselors. Every time you comment or pose a question here, on other blogs I read, on the School Counseling by Heart Facebook page and other school counseling pages on Facebook, share a link or ask for input by using #scchat on Twitter, participate in a School Counseling On Air (#scoa) chat, or contribute to ASCA Scene, you are helping out your colleagues around the world. (No kidding, this is a global community!)
Please don’t be shy – join in! This is one of the most welcoming communities I’ve ever experienced. The veterans and the newbies and everyone in between are open and curious and grateful for your thoughts and ideas. Those of us whose names or faces might show up more often than others are just regular school counselors like you, with dreams, struggles, moments of doubt, a deep commitment to kids, and ridiculously long to-do lists just like yours. We spill our coffee and forget our keys. We have to wing it more often than we’d like, and can succumb to Pinterest-shame just like everyone else. And we’re so grateful that you’re sharing and helping us become better school counselors. Thank you!
Last week I had the pleasure of joining the School Counseling On Air Back to School Chat, during which a group of school counselors who work at elementary, middle, and high school levels shared insights and answered great questions sent in by viewers. If you didn’t get a chance to see it, you can check out the archived version (and all the other SCOA chats) at the School Counseling On Air YouTube page.
You don’t actually have to watch it – you’ll get all the info by listening, maybe while you’re setting up your office or some other back-to-school task. You wouldn’t be the only one! Check out these pics from some multi-tasking colleagues, Amy (@AmyWCounselor) from Counseling With Confidence (my co-counselor!) and Rebecca (@RebBurkhart), a middle school counselor from South Carolina.
Please share your thoughts, ideas, suggestions, questions, dilemmas, solutions, tips, and pics with our community here or elsewhere in our community (#scchat is a great place to start!) We are so strong when we stand together!
I’d love to hear — How has participating in the online school counseling community helped you?
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Being the only school counselor at my school, and working in a separate community, separate state from where I live, I have often felt like I’m on an island (well, other than the literal sense…I really do LIVE on an island), but networking with other school counselors in the amazing online community with blogs like yours has proven to me that I’m not alone, I’m not ineffective and others really “get me.”
It was such a pleasure to join you “on air”. It is often difficult, frustrating and enjoyable being the only counselor in the building. Thanks to our “extended school counselor family” we solo counselors don’t have to feel so alone.